Water Storage Tank
Suitable for fire sprinkler systems.
Fire Sprinkler System Water Storage Tank.
Steel bolted tanks with heavy duty industrial containment liners have become a reliable and cost effective solution for many applications.
Where larger capacity requirements are needed, Steel Bolted Tanks are now the popular choice. For water requirements in both regional and local authority potable water reservoirs, fire fighting reserves in the fire protection industry, commercial rain water collection plus the containment of various liquid materials for industrial applications, Dan Cosgrove 2014 Ltd can tailor a viable solution for your requirements.
Designed to Comply with all AON NZ Standards and approvals
- AS/NZS 1170 Structural Design Actions
- NZS 3404 Steel Structures Standard
- AS/NZS 4600 Cold-Formed Steel Structures
- NZSEE Seismic Design of Storage Tanks 2009
Complies with the requirements of NZS 4541 Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems.
- Designed to meet NZ seismic conditions
- Standard sizes from 70,000 litre – 450,000 litre with larger designs available on request
- Used for fire water storage
- With the non toxic liner our tanks are suitable for storing drinking water
- Used where water supply does not have enough pressure or flow to keep the sprinklers running